- Began with the warmest winter on record globally.
- Hottest year on record globally.
- Toronto had the hottest Christmas Eve on record for a Canadian city, with the thermometer reaching 15.4 degrees C.
- 2015 was last year we’ll see atmospheric CO2 concentrations below 400 parts per million, above which the global climate starts getting wacky.
- The average global temperature increase averaged 1 degree C above pre-industrial times for the first time.
- Tropical cyclone Patricia went off the hurricane category scale with winds of over 320 km per hour.
- The Arabian peninsula was hit by two consecutive cyclones, unprecedented in the region.
- After four years of drought California was the driest it has been in 500 years.
- Jurisdictions such as B.C. and Alberta had their worst-ever wildfire seasons.
- Record flooding hit northern England, winter tornadoes hit Texas and record heat crippled southern Australia.
- Year ended with the North Pole being warmer than Toronto, Chicago, Boston, and even some parts of California.
- And, we got a binding global climate agreement in Paris…. Yay!
Something to Remember: Key Climate Milestones in 2015